In Wawonii's community wedding customs, the dowry given by the groom to the bride is not money but coconut. The higher the degree of a woman who is married, the more coconuts are used as dowry. This is probably because Wawonii Island is known as the largest coconut producer in Indonesia. Communication symbols used in weddings are in the form of containers / stoves, halved green betel nuts, betel leaves, lime and cigarettes.
The symbol can be used as a life guide.
- Kolungku: The union of the two brides' families.
- Green betel is halved: The union of two human beings due to love that has been awakened to have the confidence to continue to the level of marriage.
- Betel Leaves: A large family formed by marriage.
- Chalk: The sanctity of the heart between two people who make a marriage.
- Cigarettes: The form of notifying / inviting relatives and family.
The form of the Wawonii community's wedding customs is called Mompakawi (marriage). One process that must be passed before entering the wedding is to perform the ritual "Mentotambe Dance"
Stage 1: See (Meonto-Meonto)
Stage 2: Submission of application
Stage 3: Stage of family enactment
Stage 4: Mompakawi (Marriage)